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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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Strategic, creative & human-centered recruitment is not a nice-to-have, it is a competitive advantage

Challenges are being faced across the board in talent acquisition, with all time high job vacancies being reported across the globe, ongoing discussion on The Great Resignation and skills shortages in critical areas such as Digital and Technology. 

Importance needs to be increasingly placed on the role of the Recruiter in enabling organizations to be much more agile in the face of these challenges.  The companies who have moved away from seeing TA as just a function, and now view it as essential for their business are reaping the rewards in increased employee engagement, higher retention and the ability to be more adaptable and flexible in the face of change.  

There is a need now to move away from traditional methods, and look to a holistic approach including job design, internal mobility, gig and contract workers; underpinned by strategic insights and DEI.  "Human-centered Recruiting", where hiring is seen as a competitive advantage, coupled with the strategic use of technology and the ability to be bold in exploring new practices, is seen as the most mature talent acquisition model. 

In a diverse world of workers, companies have to diversify their sourcing, create a holistic employment brand, prioritize internal mobility, simplify the candidate experience, and use AI and technology strategically.


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