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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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Tackling the skills crisis for a sustainable future

Earlier this year AMS asked talent leaders across the globe their opinions on the ‘green skills’ crisis. Shockingly, 84% of respondents said something needs to be done urgently to address the green skills gap, but only 7% think something will!

I was expecting this headline to be part of the new whitepaper around green skills we have developed on the basis of our outreach and research, but actually seeing it brought to life through real data was certainly a sobering thought. 

We also asked our respondents what the barriers are to bridging this gap and what needs to be done, to get to where we need to be. The insights that followed were fascinating and revealed that whilst a lot of work is required, optimism still remains among those tasked with creating the strategies for global talent in their organizations.I would encourage anyone who has an interest in talent strategies to help us achieve our sustainability imperatives to download the whitepaper here. 

HR and talent leaders are uniquely positioned to be a powerful force in closing the green skills gap and supporting sustainability efforts and our whitepaper shines a light on some of the areas that could make a real impact.

We conclude our whitepaper with the following recommendations;

  1. Embrace a long term mindset
  2. Champion collaboration
  3. Apply green skills with a fresh lens
  4. Let your green show
  5. Prioritize specialized training and development

‘Green skills’ apply to every industry in the global economy and all organizations will have to adopt a green skills talent strategy at some point in the near future. Those looking to secure a strategic competitive advantage will act now!  

If we want to address the green skills gap, we need to understand that all future job roles will require green skills.


talent climate, talent acquisition, rpo, future of work, esg, energy & renewables, employer brand, early careers and campus, candidate attraction