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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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The Talent Road Ahead: Every destination looks a little different

Figuring out what your next 6-12 month hiring roadmap looks like can be daunting. So many variables to consider, so many new technologies, you might feel pulled in various directions. The key is not to become overwhelmed by the array of twists and turns in the HR arena, but rather to lean-in to where you see your workforce in the future and plot the steps to get there. 

With every industry showing unique needs and changes, here's a snapshot of some of the interesting directions companies are headed in the coming months.  

Energy, Engineering and Industrials 

With a shift towards green energy, new legislation in this sector will promote more green skills as workforces evolves to become sustainable and decarbonized.  

Investment Banking 

As banks consider their internal structure, they are analyzing how technology will provide more agility to their hiring decision making. In highly regulated environments there is more of a hesitation around new technologies like AI. But some are interested in piloting technology and new tools to drive efficiencies where it is seamless to do so.  

Construction, Healthcare, Retail 

In high volume, hourly hiring - such as in the construction industry - there is a focus on leveraging a skills-based approach to determine the best fits for roles. Quality of hire remains supreme in this area of sourcing and recruiting.  

Organizations will be looking to hire more contingent labor workers as they bounce back from lower hiring volumes. A continued uncertain economic landscape across many sectors is creating a greater focus on creating flexibility in their employee make-up. 

Food and Hospitality 

In California there has been a new minimum wage applied to the fast food sector, now at $20 per hour. An interesting development that will likely have consequences to other sectors and parts of the country. This presents an additional layer of complexity to an already evolving talent acquisition landscape. 


Companies are exploring how to source talent for supporting and driving AI technologies. There has been an increasing interest in looking into the architect and planner roles involved in implementing and setting the stage for new AI technologies. Establishing a gameplan ahead of AI usage is a strategic step that is critical to ensure compliance is met and tools are utilized properly. 

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Organizations are looking to their location strategy to reduce cost and drive scalability/agility - with India being an area of interest for some employers. 

An important thing to think about on your talent road ahead is what your destination will look like. With every hiring destination looking a little different, each industry is going to require different TA needs and will need to adjust to the changing economic and technological landscape differently.  


candidate attraction, digitial & technology sector, employer brand, employee enagagement, energy & renewables, financial services, high volume hiring, innovation, life sciences, rpo, talent acquisition