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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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Resource Augmentation: Outsourcing that puts you in the driver’s seat.

Every business experiences hiring peaks – periods of rapid surge when extra work demands additional talent to deliver results. However, finding this talent quickly is becoming increasingly challenging each day. 

Sourcing an additional 200 or 1,000 employees for a specific project or period can be a real challenge and takes up precious internal resources. Moreover, in a constantly evolving market, talent demands can change quickly. The ability to scale up at speed is vital, as success in business hinges on agility. 

Organisations in the APAC region are beginning to reassess the traditional ways of talent sourcing and are looking to outsourcing to fill the gaps. However, outsourcing can seem like a big leap, often requiring significant commitment and investment. Many business leaders also express concerns about relinquishing control of their talent function when outsourcing. 

Fortunately, that need not be the case. There is a simple, less daunting step businesses can take before committing to outsourcing: Resource Augmentation (RA).

Isn’t RA the same as RPO?

There is a common misconception that RA is the same as Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). While both provide outsourcing support from an external partner and involve resources who become fully immersed in your organization’s talent team and culture, they differ in terms of both resource management and scope.

With RPO, you have the flexibility to outsource either specific elements of your TA function that require support or the entire end-to-end recruitment process to an outsourcing partner. The extent of outsourcing depends on your specific business needs. However, regardless of the scope, an RPO partner takes on the management and accountability of the resources they provide. 

With RA, you gain the specific resources needed, whether they are sourcers, recruiters, or other roles. The management of these resources remains with your own team, allowing you to retain control of the project and its direction while benefitting from the additional support. RA is typically deployed for short-term projects, focusing on specific skills and roles that are needed promptly.

Fundamentally, RA offers outsourcing with less commitment and reduced costs, while ensuring organizations can retain full control of their recruitment process.

Why should I consider RA?

Opting for a RA solution offers many benefits, which are driving more and more organizations to take their first step into outsourcing: 

  • Expertise – Gain access to a group of talent professionals with deep knowledge of the market.
  • Scalability – Adapt quickly to fluctuating demands in the ever-changing market conditions while avoiding high talent attrition rates, which can negatively impact employer brand. 
  • Control – Seamlessly integrate external talent with your existing TA function, while retaining control over the whole process.
  • Convenience – Require less commitment than a more holistic, multi-faceted RPO service, and is ideal for short-term needs.

Gain access to the best recruiting talent 

The benefits of RA extend beyond businesses.  

In today’s job market, many candidates are not merely looking for roles, they are searching for security. This can pose challenges in attracting top recruiting talent when offering short-term contracts.  

That is where RA can make a difference. Most RA partner organizations provide future job opportunities for candidates when their initial contract comes to an end. This added job security enables them to attract the best people for your needs. 

Resource Augmentation that goes further 

While choosing RA to address your talent needs is a significant step, selecting the right partner to deliver it will truly set you on the right path.  

AMS’ unmatched expertise enables us to provide resources that are tailored to your business needs. Partnering with AMS means having access to our deep knowledge bank built on decades of experience in the APAC talent market. We have worked with a wide range of organizations and industries, ensuring that we can meet your unique needs effectively. 

Furthermore, our talent pool is constantly evolving.  

AMS sets itself apart as a RA service provider by equipping its teams with exclusive access to our proprietary expert learning models. This innovative approach ensures that our teams are continually upskilled, enabling them to stay at the forefront of industry trends and advancements. Unlike traditional staffing organizations, AMS prioritizes ongoing learning and development, empowering our partners with the specialized skills necessary to effectively address and overcome the complex challenges of today's dynamic business environment. 

Our RA solution offers a simple, cost-effective, and convenient way to meet your short-term recruitment needs.   

Take your first steps toward outsourcing today. Speak to AMS.  


ams, future of work, leadership, rpo, services procurement, talent acquisition