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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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Talent Lab – A truly ethical skilling partner

The pace of change is leaving many organisations facing critical skills shortages. Growing your own talent through skilling is an effective solution and we’re delighted to see many forward-thinking organisations taking this one step further. They’re adopting a truly ethical approach to skilling, levelling the playing field for all talent and in doing so, filling their skills gaps, and increasing the diversity of their workforce at the same time.

At AMS Talent Lab our dedication to ethical skilling, positively promoting social impact and creating diverse and inclusive cohorts underpins the foundation of our proposition. 

Every element of Talent Lab is designed to enable talented individuals to succeed. Whether this be through our attraction methods, our carefully curated assessment process, our world class training, or the ongoing support through our Talent Lab Care team. 

It’s vitally important to us that we offer opportunity for our Associates based on potential and aptitude, not previous experience, or the educational institute that they went to. We pay all our cohorts from the very first day of training, and we don’t penalise them if they decide that this isn’t their chosen path during that journey.

Our world class training is carefully curated for each client, ensuring that the skill gap is not only filled initially but that talent will grow within their organisations to be the leaders of the future. 

We recognise that ethical skilling is more than hitting a diversity target, we attract, assess and support in a way that makes each and every individual secure and free to reach their potential.

Are you looking to partner with a truly ethical skilling partner to fill your skills gaps? Please reach out to us at! We look forward to hearing from you!

Don’t just take out word for it, listen to what this means to our Associates…


ams, diversity equity inclusion, innovation, reskilling, tech skilling, upskilling, talent acquisition, social mobility