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Operationalising AI: Unlock the full value from your AI investment

The value of artificial intelligence (AI) in the talent acquisition industry extends far beyond automating manual tasks. From reducing bias in selection, to identifying qualified candidates, and streamlining hiring processes, AI is being used to tackle a wide range of critical business problems.   

But to successfully integrate AI technology in your business – and get a strong return on investment – it’s important consider these crucial points:

Choose your tech purposefully.

Engage with relevant stakeholders who will be impacted by the technology, and pinpoint the outcomes. Map out what you want the tool to solve before purchasing it.

Consult an expert

. When adopting any new technology, it’s important to build in accountability. Involve a business partner or analyst with a deep understanding of your new AI tech in the operationalization process, to ensure you get the best value from your investment.

Build skills for the future.

Bringing in AI technology can cause people’s roles to change. Plan ahead for new skills that will be required for teams that have operated manually in the past. 

We launched the final instalment of our whitepaper: Exploding Digital Myths in Talent Acquisition. Myth 5 tackles the misconception that operationalising AI technology in business will be straightforward. Read it today. Myth 5: Operationalizing AI technology in my business will be straightforward - AMS ( order to successfully integrate AI technology and get a return on investment, businesses need to engage all relevant stakeholders who might be impacted by the tool and work out exactly what outcome they want.


artificial intelligence, technology, hr tech, future of work