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Celebrating Inspirational D&I Leaders for 2024!

On July 16th, D&I Leaders published their list of Inspirational D&I Leaders for 2024, as part of the Global Benchmarking Survey, which surveyed 446 international D&I professionals.

We are thrilled to see our very own Non-Executive Director, Jacqui Welch, Executive VP and Chief Human Resources Officer, The New York Times recognized on this prestigious list. Jacqui recently joined our DEIB Board at AMS, bringing her invaluable expertise to our DEIB efforts.

It’s also fantastic to see AMS alumni like Jamie Shields, who recently ventured into his own DEIB consulting business, making the list. Watching our alumni thrive is truly rewarding!

Additionally, we are proud to work with several clients who have been recognised, including:

Working with such forward-thinking organisations inspires us every day. Despite the ongoing political and social challenges globally, it’s heartening to reflect on the incredible talent and dedication in the DEIB sector.

Let's continue to drive positive change together! 



ams, diversity equity inclusion, leadership