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TA Tech and AI: It isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition

What did I conclude from the recent SHRM '24 Annual Conference & Expo? In the face of technological change, let’s not be fearful. Be aware of your company's AI policy and thoughtful about change. Now is the time to iterate and create incremental changes that benefit your organization. Don't be nervous about how tech and AI are transforming the hiring experience. 

If you missed our session, here are some key highlights: 

Automation vs. Artificial Intelligence 

In today's world of changing technologies, there is often confusion between AI and automation. We clarified the difference and provided practical examples for the audience. For instance, a Domino's Pizza Tracker is considered automation, while voice-to-text technology like Siri is considered AI. 

What’s Happening in the TA Tech Space? 

After exploring the nuances between AI and automation, we focused on the TA Tech space, outlining what is working and what isn't. Below is a myth-busting diagram we shared: 

There was a lot of discussion about personalizing experiences and how technology can enhance the recruitment process. We highlighted the benefits of customization for candidates and hiring managers, emphasizing transparency. Just as consumers expect transparency, we aim to recreate that expectation in the TA space. 

Focus on Solving Problems to Foster Innovation 

Be inspired by the tools available. More than 50% of companies want their ATS to provide more capabilities than it currently does. The average number of tools managed by teams is around 10, specific to recruitment. Integration barriers present significant challenges for talent teams today. Additionally, an over-reliance on HRIS without sufficient workflow automation is problematic. If your HRIS lacks workflow capabilities, it's time to explore new solutions. 

Identify granular use cases to address your challenges and assess which tools can help. Many tech companies claim to offer features, but they may not be applicable to your needs. Focus on the problems you are trying to solve, unpack the issues, and then explore different tools and recruitment experiences to identify key moments that matter. Determine if there are data points that can enhance these experiences and solve two or three specific issues. 

Moments that Matter 

We concluded the session by discussing seven steps to integrate automation and AI into your hiring decision-making process. A central point we emphasized is that it's okay not to undertake an entire transformational change. Instead, incremental or selective changes are a great starting point. Maintaining an open dialogue within your organization about change and talent technology, testing creative approaches, and staying agile are key to progress and optimizing the hiring experience. 


ai, artificial intelligence, candidate attraction, digitial & technology sector