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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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Introducing AMS Talent Lab Associate Community!

As the world of work and hiring landscape changes at rapid pace, the one thing that we know to be true is that finding untapped talent, who can be trained, supported, and nurtured into ever-increasing skills gaps is critical for organisations to succeed. 

AMS Talent Lab is doing just that, offering opportunity based on potential and aptitude, not previous experience. Our ethical skilling practices create talent for our clients and give our Talent Lab Associates the opportunity and support to thrive and ultimately reach their full potential. 

The Talent Lab journey goes from strength to strength with the latest milestone being our Talent Lab Associate Community which we are officially launching today. It offers cohorts access to continual development, networking and support after they start their new roles and as they continue to grow in their careers.

We are immensely proud of each and every one of our cohorts, who come from diverse backgrounds and, through the training and support of AMS Talent Lab, have been able to realise their dreams of working in their now careers.  

If your organisation is looking for a truly ethical skilling partner to fill their skill gaps, please reach out to us on Or, if you’re interested in becoming an associate, you can email We look forward to hearing from you!


innovation, recruiter skilling, reskilling, social mobility, talent acquisition, tech skilling, upskilling