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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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Solving the 'green skills' gap at leadership level

The LinkedIn green skills report takes a look at the ‘green’ skills needed to address the threat of climate change. The report echoes some of the sentiment we are feeling from not only our global energy and renewables clients but also our financial services clients when it comes to hiring leaders. 

Hiring leadership talent with skills such as ‘carbon accounting’ or ‘climate action planning’ into these industries is very difficult right now. Demand for green skills talent at all levels is far outstripping supply. This is why we are working hard with our clients to ensure a skills-based hiring approach is front and center of the candidate experience and hiring process. Leaders with transferrable skills from adjacent industries or with ‘power’ skills such as learnability, agility and curiosity who will be able to adapt quickly to fight the urgent need to tackle climate change.

AMS Executive Search team works strategically with clients to identify the senior talent required at a global level, but we also share insights with them to help with their location strategy and where these types of skills are locate. We share data on the hiring competition such as around remuneration as well as hybrid working models. We also ensure that the senior talent AMS Executive search team identifies, and subsequently approaches have a great experience from start to finish. If you want to know more about how we can help you hire leaders with green skills, then reach out to me


The transition to a greener economy is driving green skills growth across all industries, including the most carbon-intensive.


candidate attraction, energy & renewables, talent acquisition, talent climate, tech skilling