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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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Overcoming the talent shortage in renewable energy

In the new digital insights report created in partnership with Raconteur I discuss the enormous challenge that lies ahead of us in the renewable energy sector - how to overcome the talent shortage that will hit organisations in the next few years and beyond. 

Insights are shared by representatives from the Renewable Energy Institute, Solar Power Europe, Vattenfall, the Energy Transition Institute at Robert Gordon University, RenewableUK, and some of my talented colleagues in AMS.

Some of the topics covered include the extent to which employment levels in the renewable energy sector are set to rise exponentially, the necessity of looking to other channels, skills and experience to meet demand, the importance of ensuring the renewable energy sector is as attractive as possible in a competitive market for talent, and the need for increased collaboration between government, business and education.

As a passionate advocate of securing a sustainable future for the generations to come, I don't think there can be many more important problems to solve for talent acquisition professionals. 

At AMS we aim to be part of the solution to this problem by providing products and services that allow organisations to scale at pace, cost effectively, with minimum risk, enabled by leading technology and quality people. So, if you find yourself facing these challenges, please do contact me or use our form through the website Contact Us - AMS ( We hope you enjoy the read!

McKinsey forecasts that global solar and wind power capacity will quadruple between 2021 and 2030 as nations reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. It says a “staggering” additional 1.1 million blue-collar workers will be needed to develop and build these plants, along with 1.7 million extra workers to operate and maintain them.


energy & renewables, talent acquisition, rpo, early careers and campus, candidate attraction, reskilling, upskilling