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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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Innovating our way to net zero...

Global Energy, Technology and Digital organisations coming together with investment partners and entrepreneurs......... sounds like a good way to innovate our way to net zero don't you think? 

The technology solutions and infrastructure for us to reach net zero don't currently exist, so we need to be investing in the plethora of great ideas that are out there. With all that is going on in the world right now there has never been a better time to invest in green energy and we will all need to come together to achieve net zero. The official theme for Earth Day 2022 (22nd April) is 'Invest in our planet' and the collaboration between Equinor, CapGemini, Sandwater and Techstars is a great example of what we need to be doing now, to get ourselves moving on the journey to net zero and a sustainable future.

It is of course not only technology solutions and infrastructure that need investing in, but crucially the talent that is required to come up with the ideas and do the work to deliver the change. There is no better place to be than in talent acquisition to help deliver this part of the solution!

Happy Earth Day for tomorrow everyone - and here is to a brighter, greener future. 


Announcing the 2022 Equinor & Techstars Energy Accelerator class


innovation, energy & renewables, technology