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True Workforce Dexterity - Join us at the SIA CWS Summit Europe

Endless change creates endless potential. But to access it, organisations need to design their workforces in different ways. We believe the answer lies in True Workforce Dexterity. A new way of building the right workforce that reconfigures around every new opportunity and, faced with unexpected challenges, it bends rather than breaks.

Join us at the SIA CWS Summit Europe in London as Matthew Rodger, our Chief Growth & Commercial Officer moderates a panel of industry experts as they share their views on True Workforce Dexterity and how you can incorporate it within your workforce.

How do you stay ahead in a world that never stands still? We believe the answer lies in True #WorkforceDexterity. AMS is delighted to sponsor this year’s Staffing Industry Analysts CWS Summit Europe. #talent


cws, future of work, innovation, ams