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Our Commitment to Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging: 2023 Year in Review

We are excited to share our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Annual Report for 2023 – marking the third year of its publication.

Our vision is to foster a culture of inclusion and belonging. Over the past few years, especially post-COVID, we have worked hard to priotritise this vision.

Reporting on our progress is crucial. We have made significant commitments and strive to be transparent about the advancements we're making.

Key Highlights of 2023:

  • Achieved Representation Targets: We met our end-of-year goal for ethnically diverse leaders, reaching 16% representation from just 4% three years ago.
  • Comprehensive Diversity Reporting: We provide detailed diversity data across our business, wherever possible.
  • Employee Resource Groups: Our ERGs have been instrumental in building global communities among colleagues.
  • D&I Alliance Launch: In 2023, we introduced the D&I Alliance, a forward-thinking collaboration with DEIB-focused partners to enhance diverse representation for our clients.

We are proud of the strides we've made in 2023 to enhance our culture of inclusion and belonging. 

Please reach out with any questions or feedback after reading the report.


ams, diversity equity inclusion, leadership, wellbeing