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Reflections of our DEIB Week

It's been over a week since we wrapped up our most successful and engaging DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging) Week at AMS, and I wanted to share some personal insights.

What contributed to its success?

  • The theme, "Belonging – from Awareness to Action," served as the cornerstone, connecting all sessions to this vital concept. Belonging is pivotal for our business, as it fosters connections among our global colleagues and aligns them with our goals.
  • We were bold in pulling together our session content. For the first time, we delved into topics like Religious Inclusion, acknowledging its complexity in the workplace. Additionally, "I didn’t mean to offend, but…" explored the nuances of language and its potential to cause unintended offense across cultures.
  • Our Exco leaders actively participated, leading and facilitating challenging discussions throughout the week.
  • We were fortunate to host inspiring external speakers, including Matthew Syed, John Amaechi, and Professor Jason Arday. I encourage everyone to connect with them on social media; their insights are invaluable.

Over the past few years, we've made significant progress in advancing our inclusion and belonging agenda across AMS. DEIB Week serves as a crucial platform for colleagues to engage in dialogue and share ideas, with over 8,000 global colleagues participating in live sessions. Now, our focus is to sustain these bold and courageous conversations all year-round.

This year, we've set a higher standard for DEIB Week, and we're eager to push ourselves even further next year. We welcome insights from other organizations on how they're approaching similar initiatives in their businesses. Let's continue driving positive change together.

Interested in learning more about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging? Check out our DEI Knowledge Exchange webinar series.


diversity equity inclusion, ams, leadership