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The power of a multi-generational workforce

Recently we held a webinar with some leading industry experts on the topic of multi-generational working.  This was part of our DEI Knowledge Exchange Webinar series, where we debate key topics and challenges in DEI and offer up practical tips for how other organisations can adopt and take forward.   

Our panel consisted of experts from LinkedIn, Paycor, Chubb Insurance, Rolls-Royce and Uber.  We looked at practical steps that organisations could implement to create a successful multi-generational strategy to deliver a truly inclusive workforce.

Our panelists agreed that the following key points would help to deliver a more inclusive workforce:

  • Connecting generations – Sharing experiences and learning from each other to identify new ideas to help drive the business forward. Also, showing empathy and curiosity, asking people how they feel instead of assuming that they know what they want.
  • Career development – Providing opportunities to develop skills and deliver the best working experience for everyone.
  • Enhanced benefits – Understanding it’s not just ‘one size fits all’ and that benefits need to be tailored for each generation.
  • Conducting surveys – Getting insights on what people really think to deliver improved inclusivity in the workplace.
  • Skills-based approach – Hiring people based on skills not job titles and helping to unlock new talent within the business.
  • Attracting and retaining – Adopting approaches like mentoring, training, communication and workplace design to ensure employees are happy and engaged

For a fuller overview of what was covered, please read this blog on our website.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  There is a lot more that can be done to promote and enhance age diversity at work.  Please do reach out if you would like to discuss further.


diversity equity inclusion, talent retention, employee enagagement