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AMS Early Careers & Campus wins 'Outstanding Employer and Supplier Recruitment Partnership Award' in partnership with Rolls-Royce

We were thrilled to win this competitive award at the 2023 ISE Awards last week. The award recognises ‘partnerships that drive excellence, are innovative and make a highly valued contribution to the sourcing of emerging talent’, which perfectly describes the AMS and Rolls-Royce Early Careers partnership. You can review the overall winner for each award HERE.  

AMS has delivered Early Careers services to Rolls-Royce since 2013, with an expanded E2E global service launched in 2019. The partnership journey since then has been one of true collaboration & a shared vision for making Rolls-Royce a leading early careers employer in the UK & globally.

AMS & Rolls-Royce are extremely proud of what has been achieved together. Both often reference the partnership as an example of what can be accomplished with clear goals & ongoing communications and partnership enabled by a well-structured, operationally sound model.

Here are just a few examples of what we have been able to achieve together:

  • Fulfilment of an annual demand around 1,500, delivered by a global, scalable, dedicated AMS team with less than 5% attrition & winners of the 2022 Q3 Inspiring Team award at AMS (highly competitive)
  • Embedding DEI into the E2E process & aligning DEI priorities, increasing female hires from 21% to 42% across the life of the partnership & with a close focus across ethnicity, neurodiversity & social mobility
  • AMS led a complete design, delivery & continuous evolution of global campaign reporting, including the introduction of PowerBI & a reporting suite of over 20 reports, with external insights also provided regularly to support Rolls-Royce in strategic decisions
  • Assessment redesign: AMS Assessment Consulting, led by Claudia Nuttgens, designed an award-winning global assessment re-design project across all Early Career programmes, creating a best-in-class, highly inclusive process resulting in more diverse hires
  • Power Series Launch: six inspiring, diversity-focused & information-packed virtual events, giving an intriguing insight into the business. Designed by Suzanne Nash within the AMS Branding & Attraction team, this series of events successfully generated a 34% increase in female and 43% increase in non-white applicants

We are so proud to receive this award and would like to congratulate the other organisations shortlisted in this category for the work they are also doing to create new and engaging opportunities for early career candidates.

We were thrilled to win this competitive award at the 2023 ISE Awards last week. The award recognises ‘partnerships that drive excellence, are innovative and make a highly valued contribution to the sourcing of emerging talent’, which perfectly describes the AMS and Rolls-Royce Early Careers partnership


ams, diversity equity inclusion, leadership