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Why we need to continue to focus on LGBTQ+ inclusion more than ever

The events of the last week have confirmed for many, that there is a need, more than ever, to continue to fight for LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion:

  • Last weekend, a gunman stormed into a LGBTQ+ club in Colorado Springs killing 5 people and injuring 18 people.  
  • This week the Football World Cup has started in Qatar with many restrictions imposed on players and supporters, preventing them from expressing their support for LGBTQ rights.
  • Yesterday, the Russian Government imposed a new law banning "LGBTQ propaganda" amongst adults.  

So, when I get challenged about the need to have a focus on LGTQ+ inclusion and why our community continue to celebrate Pride across our community, there is some pretty compelling evidence here!

I'm proud of the work that we are doing across AMS to support LGBTQ+ inclusion across our business. We have a very active employee resource group, led by 4 regional leads, recognising the distinct needs of our colleagues across our business. 

We are actively building partnerships with organisations where we can join up to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion with our clients and stakeholders.  We are particularly excited about how we can develop future partnerships with the likes of  Pink News and MyGwork.  There also a wealth of other global organisations and individuals who leading the LGBTQ+ inclusion agenda including - INvolve, Trans In The City and Out Leadership.

So, for many in the LGBTQ community, this week has felt tough, however, I am encouraged to see the far reaching support from within the community and our allies, as we continue on our quest for equality and inclusion for all.

Russia’s parliament has passed the third and final reading of a law banning “LGBT propaganda” among all adults, as Moscow ramps up its conservative push at home amid the war in Ukraine that passed the nine-month mark on Thursday.


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