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Organisations need to commit to DEI and to create opportunities for all

During the month of April, Forbes have been celebrating diversity month and have been shining a light on trail-blazing DEI Leaders.  In today's article they focus on a fine array of great global diverse talent. However, I was also struck by one of the statistics stated in the article:

"One billion people, or 15% of the world's population, experience some form of disability, making this the largest minority group worldwide. Yet, only 4% of businesses are focused on making offerings inclusive of disability."

At AMS we are working hard in our business, as well as supporting clients, to ensure that disability inclusion is a key priority.  We were early signatories to The Valuable 500 and in the UK we work closely with the Business Disability Forum.

Later today we are running a roundtable discussion on disability inclusion  and we will be joined by 3 of our clients - ThermoFisher, Bristol Myers Squibb and Deloitte, along with The Valuable 500, to contribute to this critical debate.  We have over 250 who have registered to join the session!

It is evident that there is much work to be done to better engage with and offer opportunities to the disabled community and the global business community need to continue to drive this agenda!

It is critical for leadership to develop strategies and tools to embed DEI into their company's DNA.


diversity equity inclusion