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Do you suffer from imposter syndrome? You aren’t alone

When I was asked to be part of a team to write and share blogs for AMS I can’t deny that I felt a wave of panic.

Why would anyone care what I think? What can I possibly contribute? I work with lots of talented individuals surely there is someone else far more equipped to share insights than me?

Those very thoughts and fears are attributed to imposter syndrome and I have suffered from it for as long as I can remember.

I often feel I am not as capable as everyone thinks I am, and struggle to believe that any success I have is deserved or has been achieved as a result of my own efforts or skills.

What helps me overcome these feelings? Well, I can’t claim I have all the answers that can eliminate these feelings permanently but certainly hearing that other people, more than you think, suffer from imposter syndrome gives me some relief that these feelings can be normal.

Whether this is one of the dynamic and successful members of the leadership team who has spoken openly about their self-doubt before any presentation or famous individuals like Maya Anjalou and Albert Einstein who have described their feelings of fraudulence despite their accomplishments.

I am sure there are many more of you out there who this might resonate with and I just wanted you to know you are not alone and there are ways to prevail over the nagging self-doubt and change how you think about yourself.

Raising awareness of imposter syndrome in the workplace can help to normalise it – and help people to recognise it in themselves.


leadership, wellbeing