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Introducing BYP Network - a new partner in our D&I Alliance

As we celebrate UK Black History Month, it feels like the perfect time to introduce one of our newest D&I Alliance Partners – BYP Network. We’re thrilled to have them as a key member of our Alliance, helping us drive impactful change.  I recently met with Kike Oniwinde Agoro and we recorded this short video.

BYP’s mission is simple yet powerful: to advance the careers of Black professionals by connecting them with personalised opportunities in jobs, mentorship, and events.

The need for organisations like BYP Network is clear. In the UK, Black talent remains significantly underrepresented in finance and professional services. In 2021, just 2% of employees in finance, insurance, and professional services were Black, compared to 4.4% of the working-age population, according to the 2021 census. This disparity is even starker in London, where 13.5% of the population is Black.

This year’s Black History Month theme, “Reclaiming Narratives,” resonates deeply with our work. At AMS, we’re hosting a full month of events and celebrations for our colleagues, and we’re also running a series of roadshows. These roadshows feature our D&I Alliance partners, including BYP Network, as we meet with clients across the UK to discuss how we can support their DEI goals.

If you'd like to learn more about the D&I Alliance, BYP, or any of our partners, feel free to reach out to me at


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