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Spotlight on Our D&I Alliance Partner: Bridge of Hope Careers

I am pleased to continue highlighting our D&I Alliance Partners by sharing a recent video conversation with James Fellowes and Chance Bleu-Montgomery from Bridge of Hope Careers.

As a founding member of our D&I Alliance, Bridge of Hope supports clients in accessing diverse talent pools from underrepresented groups and promotes inclusive hiring practices. Their passion for advancing social mobility in the UK aligns perfectly with our approach, and we are excited to collaborate in this important area.

Despite the increased focus and investment from businesses in programmes aimed at improving social mobility, recent research by the Sutton Trust indicates that social mobility in the UK has either remained stagnant or, more likely, deteriorated.

The research identified the following as the top six barriers to succeeding in life:

  • Lack of job opportunities where you live – 30%
  • Poor work ethic – 29%
  • Access to good education – 29%
  • The state of the UK economy – 28%
  • Lack of self-belief – 26%
  • Bad parenting – 24%

While some of these challenges are systemic and will take time to address, meaningful change can only occur through concerted efforts from businesses, government, and charities. We are excited about our partnership with Bridge of Hope Careers and are committed to driving change together.

Please reach out if you would like to learn more about our D&I Alliance or discuss social mobility further.

Click here to learn more about DEIB and AMS.


diversity equity inclusion, social mobility