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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
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The critical role of coaching in early careers and campus recruiting

At AMS our early careers and campus experts understand the significance of providing vital information and fostering engagement within our student populations. For many, this is their first time entering into a formal selection process, making the provision of guidance and structure pivotal for a positive outcome for them – benefiting both the individuals and your employer brand. 

According to a recent talent team survey candidates who are happy with the selection process are 38% more likely to accept an offer. We also know that by actively involving your entire talent pool in upskilling and preparation, the quality and diversity of your offer base increases – enabling a more even candidate baseline going into selection. 

The pandemic has profoundly affected the development of our future talent, taking away opportunities to engage in the ‘real life’ work experience that traditionally equipped them for selection processes and future career paths. Empowering this demographic with accessible and relevant content in a social-style format, coupled with the expertise of face-to-face virtual coaching sessions, becomes a powerful strategy for success in a competitive marketplace.

In our extensive work with early careers clients, we have found there is a real need for employers to upskill and retain valuable candidates in the selection process and through to day one. Continuous communication in a blended digital and face to face format enables them to feel a real sense of belonging and connection to your brand from the early stages of the process, countering the challenge of reneges. Beyond this ensuring a positive view of your employer brand by all candidates who touch your organisation, irrespective of the final outcome, is also critical to brand advocacy. 

Our coaching products enable you to make meaningful connections during application and pre–join stages, nurturing them during the selection phases, educating and inspiring them to be part of your organisation, increasing the likelihood of retaining candidates. This inclusive approach not only reduced drop-out rates, it improves the probability of candidates accepting an offer and contributes to a positive and lasting relationship with your organisation.

You can find out more by watching our video below or please do get in touch




early careers and campus, candidate attraction, employer brand