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Get our latest Talent Climate report, Talent Acquisition at a Crossroads
| 1 minute read

Inclusive Design: an opportunity

15% of the world's population lives with some form of disability. Each of these individuals has the potential to brings unique talents to an organisation. 

I was reading today about the brilliant Standing Ovation movement aid  - a workplace modification design that has enabled an individual with 80% disability in his lower limbs to be an active participant in the workforce.

This got me thinking about the important role that Talent Acquisition plays in opening doors for disabled candidates.

We have the opportunity to advocate for candidates who might not be considered by a hiring manager, we have the opportunity to investigate workplace modifications that might enable us to bring great talent to an organisation, and importantly, we have the opportunity to make a candidate feel engaged, empowered and treated with respect through a recruitment process. 

Often reliant on proactive individuals, these opportunities need to be systemised by design, running through process, policy, people and technology interventions in the hiring process. 

#inclusivedesign #inclusion #diversity #openingdoors

If this topic is of interest, please also watch this great webinar that AMS hosted as part of our DEI Knowledge Exchange where our  panel of experts discussed their own experiences as well as how leaders can understand and support all dimensions of disabilities in the workplace. 


“Accessibility allows us to tap into everyone’s potential.” – Debra Ruh


diversity equity inclusion, wellbeing