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AMS DEI Annual Report 2022

I'm delighted to share that our second DEI Annual Report is now published and available on our website

As the leader for DEI in our business, I am passionate that we hold ourselves to account to our colleagues and external stakeholders on the progress that we are making.

In this report you will find:

  • Summary of the diverse representation across our business, in countries where we are able to collect diversity data
  • Overview of the progress from our 8 global employee resource groups
  • Outline of key initiatives - including AMS D&I Alliance, DEI Knowledge Exchange and our Awards strategy

DEI remains a key priority for our business and we are working hard  to deliver against our 2023 commitments.

I would love to hear your feedback on this report, please do get in touch!

I am very proud of the DEI journey we have been on at AMS. We made considerable progress in 2022. There is more for us to work on and I look forward to building on our achievements in 2023.


diversity equity inclusion, ams