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Big night at the European Diversity Awards!

On Friday evening, I had the pleasure of being at the European Diversity Awards with a number of my colleagues, as we had been shortlisted for an award. 

We didn't win, but we were Highly Commended in the category of Best Diversity team. Being shortlisted amongst some brilliant other organisations was an achievement in it's own right, but to be highly commended was great recognition for us.  Our submission was focused on the success of our employee resource groups (ERGs) in building engagement and supporting colleagues across our EMEA region.

I always find DEI Awards nights very inspiring, to be surrounded by like minded businesses and individuals who are all focused on delivering better outcomes for all, is very uplifting.  Additionally, hearing from individuals like Peter Tatchell, Dawn Airey and Dame Kelly Holmes who are using their platforms to continue to support diversity in all forms, is an added bonus.

I often hear from peers in my network that awards are a waste of time and money and  being recognised is due more to marketing excellence rather than proven DEI expertise.  I disagree, yes pulling together an engaging submission is important, but having a compelling case study is imperative.  We are currently developing our awards strategy for 2023 and I look forward to putting forward our submissions as well as celebrating the success of how other businesses and individuals continue to strive for change in DEI. 

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ams, diversity equity inclusion