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Learning and Development - A Competitive Differentiator

Talent shortages and skills gaps are well documented; this report looks at where L&D is developing throughout 2022 to support organisations through these challenges, with some employees stating that they are taking their training into their own hands. 

With two thirds of HR Managers stating that they have an increased L&D budget for 2022, there is a need to ensure that the training offered meets the needs of the 76% of employees who have stated that they would be more likely to stay with a company that offers continuous training.  

Creating a culture of continuous learning is a key business imperative, and should no longer be something that occurs in the background.   The normalisation of mental health needs in the workplace, created through the pandemic, has been seen as a great stride forward for many.  Focusing on life skills, in conjunction with practical role based training, enables companies to proactively address mental health at work.  According to the Epignosis survey, 78% of employees find it important that they receive life skills training, this is in line with the 77% of HR managers who are planning to offer this training in 2022.

Employees will be actively seeking out opportunities for L&D in a buoyant job market, its a key aid to retention for organisations to proactively work on their own programmes.  

Workforce training, always a significant player behind the scenes in a company’s success, is about to have its day in the limelight. According to a new study, employees now see a vibrant learning & development (L&D) culture as a key part of what makes a company a great place to work in 2022—and beyond


employee enagagement, talent retention, upskilling, social mobility, wellbeing