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Salary inflation being driven by pandemic-led freight demand

In welcome news for truck drivers looking to work for Walmart, news has broken that salaries for these essential workers will now range from $95-$110K. The Covid-19 pandemic has seen an increased demand on freight and logistics services in all areas of the globe, and has put significant pressure on organisations looking to get their product to customers. 

This move by Walmart gives their 12,000 strong driver population the opportunity to double the average truck driver salary. Such measures will no doubt be well received by prospective and current workers, however no doubt presents a continued question around long term implications. 

With well reported talent shortages in a range of industries, it appears certain that this will be the last example of above average salary inflation for essential workers we will hear.  

The pay raise for its 12,000 truck drivers makes the starting range for new drivers between $95,000 and $110,000, according to Walmart spokeswoman Anne Hatfield.


wellbeing, talent climate, employee enagagement